Corporal Dennis E. Engelhard -- Badge #355

Corporal Dennis E. Engelhard was struck by a vehicle at 10:30 a.m., on December 25, 2009. Cpl. Engelhard was completing a traffic crash investigation on westbound Interstate 44 east of Eureka, Missouri, when a driver lost control of his vehicle on the ice-covered roadway and struck him. At the time of the crash, Cpl. Engelhard was standing behind his patrol vehicle waiting for a tow truck to arrive at a previous non-injury traffic crash he was working.
Cpl. Engelhard was transported to the St. Clair Health Center by Eureka Ambulance with serious injuries. At 11:20 a.m., Cpl. Engelhard died from the injuries he sustained as a result of the crash.
Corporal Dennis E. Engelhard, 49, was the 28th member of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to make the ultimate sacrifice while serving and protecting the citizens of Missouri. He was survived by his parents and a brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephews.