Filling a V.O.I.D.

With the development of the Filling a V.O.I.D. (Victims of Impaired Drivers) program in 1997, the Missouri State Highway Patrol has enhanced its service to citizens of Missouri by proactively serving the needs of victims.
After a traumatic incident, victims may not have much energy left to deal with a system that can appear overwhelming. The scope of the Missouri State Highway Patrol's Filling a V.O.I.D. program is to provide a variety of comprehensive, direct, personal services to victims and their families. Our troopers and civilian victim advocate work together to support the victim of the impaired driver. The Filling a V.O.I.D. program provides the following resources:
- Troopers serve as a 'Point of Contact' for those affected by DWI and BWI related crashes and are available to discuss the incident, address questions, and provide information about the Filling a V.O.I.D. program
- Help in obtaining documentation and reports generated by the incident
- Case status information
- Information and referrals to service providers
- Notification and assistance with Crime Victims' Compensation
- Emotional support
- Support and guidance as the case moves through the system
- Information, services and referrals tailored to the needs of the victim
- Help in understanding your rights as a victim of crime and securing those rights
Victims' Rights
- Court Terms
- Courtroom Behavior
- How to Engage in the Criminal Justice Process Effectively
- If Your Rights Are Violated
- MO Victim Rights Statute
- Your Victim Impact Statement
- Prosecutor Talking Points
Popular Links
- All About Car Accidents
- Case.Net
- Crime Victims' Compensation Fund
- Find Grief Support
- Journey of Hearts
- Kelley Blue Book
- MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
- Missouri Department of Corrections Offender Search
- Missouri Department of Insurance
- Missouri Prosecutors
- Missouri Revised Statutes
- National Center for Victims of Crime
- PACER - Federal
- Stubstance Abuse Treatment
- VictimLaw
- VINELink Custody Information